Foster a Dog or Cat
A foster volunteer is one who accepts a dog or cat into their home temporarily, until a more permanent home can be found for the animal. Many of AAOFUS volunteers foster animals on a regular basis. Some of them do fostering only.
If you have never fostered before, you might find it a truly rewarding experience—whether you eventually foster just one animal, a puppy or kitten or more than one! Fostering is a very important step for rescued dogs and cats (or puppies and kittens) to have a safe home while they transition from homeless to a beloved family member. Most have been starving, abandoned, and/or abused yet, they are the most loving and grateful rescues. They are just looking for the right family/person to give them a chance at a new life.
AAOFUS provides the food and any medical care needed while the foster parent just provides love, care and a place for the foster to live.